
Getting over it with bennett foddy ending
Getting over it with bennett foddy ending

I suspect that if you are an angrier person, this game might enrage you, but in the end, it is hard to get too invested in it. I ended up losing interest a few hours into the game the sheer amount of repetition in climbing back up sections I’d already climbed began to bore me. All you end up getting are the “encouraging” quotes. The worst of it is, there’s very little sense of payoff while you get more quotes, the further you get in, the more sparse they become, and the harder the game gets, making them grow even sparser. If you aren’t, you are probably going to quickly lose interest, as that is really all there is here, and the game is, again, deliberately and unrelentingly difficult. If you are very prone to such, you might spend many, many hours trying to master this game. Honestly, this game feels like it plays on our impulse to try and overcome some obstacle, no matter how ridiculous, for the sake of doing it. I don’t think this is a game a lot of people would enjoy. Naturally, you will be hearing a lot of these, as well as some old licensed music related to falling down or getting back up again (though, sadly, no Chumbawumba). He has a pretty good voice, and says various encouraging quotes (or possibly maddening, if you are the frustratable sort) whenever you fall down. Because, you see, the real attraction here is Bennet Foddy himself, talking about the design of the game, games in general, the game that inspired this game (an old B-game called Sexy Climbing, which is itself another deliberately difficult game), ect.

getting over it with bennett foddy ending

Getting over it with bennett foddy ending full#

The game is deliberately ugly – it looks terrible, just full of pre-bought assets, something that the game itself comments on. And this is really the case – this whole game is an exercise in masochism. Bennet Foddy – the man who made the game – said that it is a game designed for a specific kind of person. The game is not only hard, it is deliberately and unrelentingly hard. This is a game which uses difficulty for the purpose of comedy. Worse, there are no checkpoints while your progress will be saved if you quit, the reality is that this is as much a curse as it is a blessing, because at many points in the game, it is possible for you to, with a single mistake, hurl yourself off the side of the mountain of garbage all the way back to the beginning – and even where you don’t do this, it is still often possible to hurl yourself back a significant distance. Naturally, this means that your goal is to climb a gigantic mountain of random objects, specifically designed to be extremely difficult to climb with this control method. You cannot walk or jump all movement in the game is controlled on slinging yourself around with that sledgehammer. The head of the sledgehammer is used to push off of things, as well as to swing around things it isn’t actually used to smash anything. The only control you have is moving your mouse around to swing said sledgehammer.

getting over it with bennett foddy ending

In the game, your avatar is a man in a big black cast-iron cooking pot with a sledgehammer. The head of the sledgehammer is used to push off of things, as well as to swing around things it Getting Over It With Bennet Foddy is a game about climbing a mountain with deliberately extremely awkward controls.

getting over it with bennett foddy ending

Getting Over It With Bennet Foddy is a game about climbing a mountain with deliberately extremely awkward controls.

Getting over it with bennett foddy ending